Area Students Need Your Support
The 2022 PetrochemWorks Golf Tournament (formerly known as the EHCMA Workforce Development Golf Tournament) will help to support and build tomorrow’s workforce. PetrochemWorks consists of local companies, contractors, community colleges, and organizations who come together to solve workforce issues. We work to align messaging, remove barriers, help voice industrial careers. The scholarship money raised through the PetrochemWorks Golf Tournament removes barriers for hardworking individuals pursuing the career of their dreams in the Petrochemical Industry. The uplifting testimonies from scholarship recipients, such as single parents or older siblings taking care of entire households, who received the “life-changing” help to finish out their process technology degree or welding certification, are incredible. Please join us in the journey to changing lives by participating in the event!
Since 2013, the golf tournament has raised $1.9 MILLION for technical student scholarships.
Become a Sponsor
The Annual PetrochemWorks Golf Tournament would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors.
We hope you or your company will consider being a sponsor today!
Register Today!
What: 2022 PetrochemWorks Golf Tournament
When: Friday, Oct. 28, 2022
Where: Wildcat Golf Club, 12000 Almeda Road, Houston, TX 77045